Adventures in Isolation

These are crazy times but while I’m home (CONSTANTLY) with my kids, I’m taking this time to document a bit.

My business is my sole job so I’m no stranger to working from home. BUT this is NOT the same as summer vacation. First of all my kids go to a year round school so they don’t get out of school til mid June. Then usually we do fun things like go to the park, aquarium, to the store, zoo, pop museum…you get the idea. We actually leave the house. I mean there are maybe 5 days in the entire year that I actually stay home all day and don’t leave for one thing or another. So…being on day 9 for us (kids didn’t go to school the day of the school closure announcement) I AM LOSING MY MIND. They have never been home this much lol. I’m also pretty active in keeping them learning. So I added a new hat. I am now mother, cook, housekeeper, doctor, referee, personal shopper, AND TEACHER….just like most other moms who are self quarantining, by choice or forced. Don’t get me wrong..I LOVE my kids but this is too much lol At least they’ve been able to get out and play a few of the days. This cold and rain mess has got to go though…I need to kick them outside for some of my sanity to return.


I’m pretty crafty and have tons of stuff laying around the house (plus I bought some new outside toys) so I have found some ways to keep them distracted in between “homework time”. But I also decided to document some of our #alonetogether days because why not?

Things I have learned…

My kids have no chill…which I knew of course but being in close quarters for so’s getting worse…please send help!

Laser Mazes are SO cool and such a good distraction…for like a really long time..especially when you tell your kids the strings are actual lasers and they have to go really slow through it or they may lose a foot haha!

My kids are pretty good at actually doing their “homework”

My sliding glass doors need to be cleaned…so I guess I’ll do that soon.

When they stress me out, tablet time gets extended and I’m ok with that.

My daughter never forgets ANYTHING I tell her…I swear she has reminded me all week we need to make cupcakes. We finally did that tonight.

I own so much construction paper…My kids are going to fill my walls with all of their art lol

I’m deeply running low of Lysol and hand sanitizer so I may never leave my house again…until this blows over…soon I hope!

We’re really good at rationing food and snacks..I didn’t know we had it in us honestly..

So in conclusion…this has been a major learning experience for all of us and I look forward to a time where I can take my kids to the park again. More documentation to come but for now I just wanted to blog about my beautiful babies and our home adventures.